Participation Requirements

Any Royal Ranger or other person of valuable related skills can participate in Pathfinders projects provided he meets the following qualifications:

  • Be approved by his pastor
  • Be at least twelve years of age to participate in U.S. Missions projects, and at least fourteen years of age to participate in world missions projects 

Project Levels

Each Pathfinder Missions project is classified into one of three categories—bronze, silver, or gold—based on the expected difficulty level of the project. Bronze-level trips are the least difficult and gold-level trips are the most difficult.

Bronze Pathfinder Missions Projects

Bronze-level projects are approved Assemblies of God U.S. Missions projects taking place within the United States. These projects represent the least difficult level of project and are suitable as outpost projects to get boys directly involved in missions work. To qualify as a bronze-level project, the following qualifications must be met:

  • The project must be approved by the national Pathfinder Missions committee.
  • The project must be approved by U.S. MAPS and be given a project number to track funds and teams designated to that project. Projects originating from non-AG churches may seek project approval from their own denomination’s domestic missions department.
  • The project must take place outside the local church’s district and be at least three days in duration, not including travel time. Some projects relating to disaster relief efforts within the home district may also qualify as bronze-level trips if approved by the national Pathfinder Missions committee.

Silver Pathfinder Missions Projects

Silver-level projects are approved Assemblies of God World Missions projects taking place outside the United States. To qualify as a silver-level project, the following qualifications must be met:

  • The project must be approved by the national Pathfinder Missions committee.
  • The project must be approved by AGWM Builder’s International and be given a project number to track funds and teams designated to that project. Projects originating from non-AG churches may seek project approval from their own denomination’s world missions department.
  • The project must take place outside the United States and be at least three days in duration, not including travel time. These projects may take place in developed areas with relatively easy access, electricity, and modern facilities.

Gold Pathfinder Missions Projects

Gold-level projects are Assemblies of God World Missions projects that have the highest degree of difficulty to complete. These projects require significant effort, and may include hiking, backpacking, boating, or canoeing to remote locations that may not have electricity or other modern facilities. The primary difference between a silver- and gold-level project is ease of access and work conditions. Gold-level projects are those that few teams choose to undertake due to the difficulty of getting there and the demanding conditions involved. To qualify as a gold-level project, the following qualifications must be met:

  • The project must be approved by the national Pathfinder Missions committee.
  • The project must be approved by Assemblies of God World Missions Builder’s International and be given a project number to track funds and teams designated to that project. Projects originating from non-AG churches may seek project approval from their own denomination’s world missions department.
  • The project must take place outside the United States and be at least five days in duration, not including travel time. The project must take place in a remote area and present challenges that would prevent the average team from participating. Examples of challenges might include the lack of electricity and the inability to use power tools; a remote island with harsh weather conditions; the lack of modern facilities such as housing, showers, or restrooms; teams have to sleep in tents; and teams must hike or boat into the backcountry to reach the project site.

Pathfinder Award

Royal Rangers who participate in a Pathfinders trip may receive the Pathfinders Award, represented by a bronze, silver, or gold triangle insignia indicating the level of project completed. The pin may be worn on the Royal Rangers uniform, over the left pocket and above the award ribbons. Only one such insignia may be worn on the uniform at one time. Members who have participated in multiple projects may choose which insignia to wear. Project participants who are not Royal Rangers may wear the insignia as a lapel pin or hat pin.

For More Information

For more information concerning upcoming Pathfinder trips visit or events page on this website.